Wars.nz draws upon a number of previous well-researched catalogues of location data. The following sources have formed the backbone of data for sites whose location is not already well-known:
Nigel Prickett Fortifications of the New Zealand Wars (Department of Conservation, May 2016)
Nigel Prickett Landscapes of Conflict: a Field Guide to the New Zealand Wars (Random House, 2002)
David Green Battlefields of the New Zealand Wars: a Visitor's Guide (Penguin, 2010)
Christopher Pugsley's articles in Defence Quarterly (Kororāreka, Boulcott's Farm, Porirua and Battle Hill, Whanganui and St John's Wood, Puketakauere, Mahoetahi, Te Arei, Meremere, Rangiriri, Koheroa, Paterangi, Ōrākau, Gate pā, Rangiaowhia, Te Ranga, Katikara, Kaitikara, Sentry Hill, Pipiriki, Moutoa, Nukumaru, Weraroa)
Commentary on each location draws upon the following general texts, as well as the resources linked on each page:
Vincent O'Malley The New Zealand Wars/Ngā Pakanga o Aotearoa (Bridget Williams Books, 2019)
Vincent O'Malley The Great War for New Zealand: Waikato 1800–2000 (Bridget Williams Books, 2016)
James Belich The New Zealand Wars and the Victorian Interpretation of Racial Conflict (Auckland University Press, 1986)